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My name is Dr. Annette Gerber. I am a pediatrician and I have successfully completed a second grade Master degree in pediatric Immunology and Allergology. I am also an IBCLC qualified lactation consultant.
I offer pediatric and allergologic consultations and technical examinations like medical ultrasound, spirometry and allergologic testing. I also provide lactation counsulting.
Furthermore, I organise first aid courses for parents, grandparents and everybody else who will take care of the children.

-        German Society of Pediatrics
-        German Society of Nutritional Medicine
-        Italian Society of Pediatrics
-        Italian Society of Pediatrical Allergology and Immunology
-        European Academy of Allergy and Clincical Immunology
-        Italian Association of Professional Lactation Consultants

On my website you will find information on my work and some personal information.
See you soon!
Copyright 2019 Dott.ssa Annette Gerber
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