Hip ultrasound - Allergologia, Pediatria e Primo Soccorso

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Hip ultrasound

Hip ultrasound examination is performed as a screening test for the diagnosis of hip maturation delay and hip dysplasia.
It is recommended to perform the hip ultrasound in the 4th-5th week of life, but always preferably before the age of 6 weeks. At this age, cartilage tissue is usually rapidly malleable, so if there is a delay in hip maturation or hip dysplasia, therapeutic intervention will be successful.
If there is a hip maturation delay, handling recommendations and "wide wrap" may be therapeutic options. In the presence of hip dysplasia usually a brace treatment is necessary, which can be achieved for example by wearing permanently a soft brace like a Pavlik harness. If the therapy is started in the first few weeks of life, a treatment duration of one month may be sufficient, in severe cases or in case of delayed start of treatment, a therapy of up to five months may be necessary. The sooner the diagnosis is made, and the treatment is started, the more likely and faster is complete healing.
Failure to treat hip dysplasia in infancy may cause gait problems, pain, osteoarthritis, or dislocation of the hip.
Copyright 2019 Dott.ssa Annette Gerber
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